The Blue Red Dot

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These are the topics that have been on my mind lately.

Configuring Firewall Rules for Health Check Access to VMs

Setting up VMs in Google Cloud can sometimes lead to failing Health Checks. This guide addresses this issue, explaining how to configure firewall rules to allow health check traffic and ensure your VMs are recognized as healthy.

Simplify Ansible Inventory for Dynamic GCP VM Management

The traditional static inventory file approach becomes tedious as your GCP project scales. Ansible's dynamic inventory plugins, specifically the gcp_compute plugin, can automatically discover and manage your GCP VMs for efficient configuration.

Using Ansible with an SSH bastion / jump host

Ansible simplifies infrastructure management and automation through playbooks and roles. In this article we examine the way of using jump hosts, a well-established approach for managing internal VMs lacking public IPs.

Deploying a Symfony Application on Google Cloud Run

This article guides you through deploying a Symfony application to Google Cloud Run using gcloud commands. We'll cover essential steps like creating a container image and deploying the service.

Get Started with Tmux: Your Powerful Terminal Multiplexer

Tmux, a powerful terminal multiplexer for Linux and similar systems, lets you efficiently manage multiple tasks in a single window, offering persistence, organization, and remote work benefits.

Using different SSH Private Keys for specific Git repositories

Struggling with juggling multiple Git repositories and private keys? Discover a streamlined approach to manage them flawlessly and say goodbye to workflow headaches!

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About this blog

Hi 👋 My name is Viktor.

I’m a passionate tech-guy, now working for more than a decade on web projects. I love learn new stuff and experiment with the latest cutting edge technologies. Choosing the right solution for a problem is the key for a successful outcome of my work. Therefore I’m always keeping in mind to fulfill the scope of a project according to given budget and time.

For quite a long time I had the intention to create a tech blog and write something about my work. Now I finally made it 😊 I hope with my posts and tutorials to help one or another with their problem.